Monday, July 4, 2022

What's Your Number?

 After the horrific massacre of children and adults in Uvalde, Texas last month, and the response of lawmakers who want to protect the second amendment, I wonder, what's your number?  What number of people need to be killed in a senseless mass massacre to make you stand up and say, "Enough is enough?"

Standing up and saying enough is enough is a start, but it is NOT enough.  We must take to the streets, get rid of the fear of the NRA, and do something meaningful.

The simplest and quickest  thing to do is to vote out elected officials at the state and local level who resist any type of change in gun laws.  It's just a matter of identifying those congressmen, senators and other elected officials that continue to spout the republican mantra.  The only way to protect yourself from a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun.  It's simply NOT true.  Look at the statistics.  

I'm not interested in taking away an American's right to go hunting or even to own a handgun for protection.  I am against 18 year old high school dropouts being allowed to purchase weapons of war, guns that are only manufactured for one reason, to kill massive amounts of people quickly, and purchase 1600 rounds of artillery.  If you believe this is ok, we have different values, and I fear common ground will be hard to find.

Background checks, getting rid of ghost guns, getting rid of weapons of war, these are common sense ways to reduce gun violence.  I keep coming back to the simplest solution.  Get rid of the politicians who don't want to do this.  A majority of Americans believe in most of the above mentioned controls on guns, so let's do it.  You have plenty of time to find out how to vote in November.  Don't vote for anyone at any level who isn't for reforming gun laws.

400 million guns (that we know about) are floating around the U.S.  More guns mean more gun deaths.  It's real simple. Vote out people who don't want stricter gun laws.  Week after week, month after month, year after, we can't grieve over senseless loss of life.  We have to act, and getting rid of politicians who do nothing is the best way to start. 

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