Monday, August 15, 2022

Check Expiration On Your Covid Tests

 I didn't even know that the Covid tests had an expiration date on them until someone told me a few days ago.  Take a look at your tests.  Most of mine have expired!  I have one test that expires in December, but the others either just expired or expired months ago.  No one told us that we were being sent or given Covid tests that would expire in a few weeks or a few months.  

There is a little squiggly box on the package of your tests, and underneath it has an expiration date, written like this:  2022-12-10.  The government sent me a few tests about three weeks ago, and they all expired yesterday.  What's going on?

Apparently when the tests were originally made and sent out, scientists did not know how long the tests would be effective, so they gave them a very short life.  It turns out that they have a longer life than originally thought, so most Covid tests have a six month extension on their use.  In other words, my tests that expired yesterday are actually good for another six months.

Unfortunately this news has not been publicized, so people may be taking tests with expired kits that are no longer effective.  My friend has tests from December, 2021, that she still has.  She threw them in the trash last night.

I wish the government had done a better job of getting this information out to the public.  They spent all this money on tests that were given away, yet never told the public that they had an expiration date.  I guess we just have to do our own research and find these things out for ourselves.

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