Friday, August 26, 2022

What Does It Take To Be A Superager?

 The term "superager" refers to people in their 70's and 80's who have the mental or physical capability of their decades-younger counterparts.  Researchers have found that embracing new mental challenges may be the key to preserving both brain tissue and brain function.

Participants in one study of superagers underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging, which provides images of the brain at work.  Researchers found that some areas of the brain appeared thinner-an indication of cell loss-in the older people with normal test scores, but not in those that tested more like younger participants, the tissue was still thick.  Who knew that having a thick brain was a good thing?

Physical super-agers measured similar to women decades younger than themselves, especially on aerobic capacity-the amount of oxygen you take in and distribute to tissues.  Some studies indicate that people in their 80's who exercise at high intensity 20-45 minutes per day have an aerobic capacity of people 30 years younger.  

So, if you're not already a super-ager, here are some suggestions that may help you get there.

1.  If you enjoy crossword puzzles, challenge yourself with acrostics or mathematical.  Try doing something yourself that you would have hired someone else to do in the past- assemble furniture, installing software, doing your taxes.

2.  Increase your exercise capacity

3.  Prepare to be frustrated.  Things we used to easily do become harder as we age.  It's ok to take yourself out of your comfort level, both physically and mentally.

Super-agers do not have many role models, but they are role models for the next generation.  That's what my 99 year old mom says to me all the time.  She has no role models to show her how to be 99!  But she's showing me, and many others who are in their 70's and 80's how to stay younger than your age. 

Get out of your comfort zone, try new things, travel to new places, try new activities, read different book genres than you usually do.  These things may help you become a super-ager, if you're not one already. 

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