Monday, August 1, 2022

New Research In Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

 I have recently started listening to a podcast called Breakthrough.  It is hosted by scientists from Boston Children's Medical Center, and discusses the various medical breakthroughs that are happening at lightening speed.  I am particularly  interested in this having just read Empire of the Scalpel, about the history of surgery(and medicine).  I determined that medicine is advancing so fast now, compared to what has so far been accomplished.  

ASD is a disorder affecting 1 in 44 people.  That's a lot.  At Boston Children's Medical Center, research is focused on early diagnosis.  Doctors know that the earlier the disorder is diagnosed, the earlier treatment can begin, and results can be vastly improved.  What they are doing is examining 3 and 4 year olds, and looking at their sensory processing.  They are finding that many toddlers with sensory processing issues (don't like bright flashing lights, loud noises, or big crowds) develop ASD.  They are also studying infants as young as 3 months old.  I'm not exactly sure how they determine sensory issues in infants, but they do, and are learning a great deal, that will lead to early intervention and thus greater success in treating these children.

I encourage you to listen to Breakthrough (I listen on Spotify).  The research today will revolutionize the future of pediatrics.  Imagine a future where you receive one flu shot in your lifetime, a vaccine for opioid addicts, and in the not so distant future, a vaccine for cancer.  These are still dreams, but dreams that may soon become reality.

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