Monday, December 5, 2022

Classic Encinitas Holiday Parade

 Saturday night was the annual Encinitas Holiday Parade.  Our boogie boarding group, The Wave Chasers, along with the Encinitas Heritage Museum, were part of the parade.  Fran asked me and long time boogie boarder Pam, to hold the banner and lead our group.  It was so much fun.

The parade must have included half of Encinitas, and the other half must have been watching, standing for almost 2 hours.  There were 82 entries in the parade, from our group, to the YMCA, to San Dieguito Academy, to a home construction company, a horse boarding and training center, and just about everything else that makes Encinitas so great.

Kids were everywhere!  Hundreds, maybe thousands of kids were in the parade, watching the parade, or riding around on beautifully decorated bikes.  E bikes were in abundance.  What a business that must be.

The theme of the parade was classic Encinitas, so there were literally hundreds of classic cars.  Our entry was a 1969 T-Bird.  Fran (my friend and one of the leaders of the boogie board group of 132 members) and Charlotte, our Classic boogie boarder, age 97, rode in the car.  Pam and I led our group, followed by 15 boogie boarders dressed as santa's helpers and holding decorated boogie boards followed, then came the car.  

It was wonderful to see the community all out supporting this annual event.  Families, grandparents and lots of dogs, all dressed in holiday costume.  If you've never been to the Encinitas Holiday Parade, sorry you missed it this year, but mark your calendar for 2023.  It was such fun.

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