Monday, December 19, 2022

Is There Reason To Be Hopeful About The Future?

 As I look at the world today, I often think there is little for which to be hopeful.  War in Ukraine, crimes against humanity taking place around the world, shootings, hate, drug overdoses, destruction of our planet due to climate change, crime, and ethnic and religious hate like we haven't seen in years, poverty, inequality and injustice, just to name a few things that come to mind.

This is the season of giving, giving thanks, helping others.  Jews celebrate Hanukkah, Christians celebrate Christmas, and both holidays emphasize peace and goodwill.  The reason I am hopeful is that I see so much love and kindness by individuals around the world, that I think optimistically.  Most people are good.  Most people are kind.  Look in your own neighborhood and you will see kindness and giving all around.  Unfortunately, a few bad apples spoil the bunch.  

I think we need to figure out why so many people today are so angry and are acting out.  More of this is happening in America than anywhere else, but it is happening everywhere.  If we could figure out why, then we could deal with the problem.

I see the rise in hate crimes as one of the biggest threats to our way of life.  Much of the hate people have for those who are different than themselves comes from ignorance and fear.  People fear what they don't know and understand.  Ask a white supremist if he's ever known a Jew, and he will likely say 'No",  We must educate people who don't understand that most Muslims, Jews, LGBTQ people are just like you and I.  They really are.  We should all make it  our mission to get to know someone who is different than us.  We could all learn alot from getting to know someone we think we don't understand.

No doubt the world seems to be quite a mess right now, but my guess is we'll get out of this mess, as we have before.  We've got to make sure we're teaching our kids that kindness matters, giving is good, and acceptance of others is absolutely necessary.  We need peace on earth, and if we'd learn to respect one another, it would go a long way toward peace.

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