Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dinner For Eight (Or Ten)

Have some fun with this. Imagine you're having a dinner party and can invite 8 people (or in my case 10 people) from history to attend. The people can be living or dead. Think about who you'd invite and why. I had so much trouble narrowing down the guests. Half of my guests are living. My mind thinks first of the living people I would like to dine with. I decided that some of the most famous people in history would not make great dinner guests. They may be just plain boring. Below is my list. Please respond and let me know who your dinner party would include. Here's my guest list: (in no particular order)

1. Amelia Erhardt
2. Bill Clinton
3. F. Scott Fitzgerald
4. Oprah Winfrey
5. Mohammed Ali
6. Pablo Picasso
7. Leonardo da Vinci
8. Walt Disney
9. Barak Obama
10. Bill Gates

I'm anxious to see your list. Some other time I'll ask another question, so be thinking about this one. What fictional characters from literature would like to be? Have fun with this one.

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