Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lunch for Under a Buck

My experiment with the $.99 store (http://www.99store.com/) continues. Several weeks ago I showed you how to plan delicious, healthy breakfasts for a week, for either $.50 per meal, or in a few cases, $1.00per meal. Now here are some lunch ideas. All ingredients were purchased at the $.99 store, including soft drinks, water drinks and tea.

My ingredients included the following items: bread, yogurt, jello, pudding, hot dogs, cheese, frozen burritos, tortilla chips, beans, canned vegetables, fresh fruits and vegetables, cookies, soft drinks, tea drinks, water.

1. Grilled cheese sandwich, 6oz yogurt, apple $.75per person
2. Home made bean and vegetable soup, tortillas, fresh strawberries .$75per person
3. Salad made with greens, variety of veggies, cheese and raisins, dinner rolls or crackers, pudding or jello $1.00per person
4. Cheese quesedilla with salsa, black beans, fresh strawberries $.75
5. Hot dog and bun with cheese or sauerkraut, tortilla chips, jello or pudding .$75per person
6. Home made bean and vegetable soup, 1/2 ham sandwich, yogurt $1.00per person
7. Chopped vegetable salad, rolls or tortillas, yogurt and cookies $1.00per person

I was playing bridge with my friend today, and she saw my bag of fresh vegetables, and said "Where did you buy those?" When I told her the $.99 store she couldn't believe it...When I showed her what I bought (strawberries, kiwis, asparagus, organic lettuce) she really couldn't believe it. Lunch for under $1.00 is doable (is that a word?) and can be done with good nutrition and great taste. Try it.

1 comment:

  1. like your site, your photos, and the food info!!!
