Monday, April 27, 2009

My Sunday Visitor

Sunday was such a beautiful day, I decided to open all the doors and get some fresh air. I got more than I bargained for. I was working at my desk when I heard a continuous "tweet, tweet." A sparrow flew into the house, into the kitchen, and was flying in and out of the blinds, totally disoriented. I am a huge animal lover, so all I wanted to do was get him out of the house quickly, because when they get scared they struggle and can die in a very short time. He was so uncooperative. He finally flew up to the skylight in the kitchen, and fluttered around forever. My husband's idea was to get a trash bag and tape it under the skylight, so that when he fell, he'd fall into the bag. He also thought a butterfly net might be just the prop we needed to catch him.

I was at a loss as to what to do when I decided to call PetSmart and found out that they had a pond net, so I hurried over and bought the net. It turned out to be just the thing. Since it had a very long pole, we were able to catch him right away. We put him outside and he flew right away, no worse for his ordeal. But I'm a wreck. I can't believe the anxiety I had not knowing if we would be able to save him. My husband, on the other hand, caught the bird, then took a nap. No big deal. My 18 year old dog Barney apparently could not see or hear him, as he just sat and watched and wondered what all the fuss was about.

So I didn't save any money today, in fact my wallet is $27 lighter because I had to buy the pond net without a coupon. But there's no price on saving a life!!!

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