Monday, January 4, 2010

New Beginnings

As we begin a new decade, I too, am starting a new chapter in my life, and will be sharing some of my journey with you. For the first time in 40 years, I will be without my husband, Ron. After seven years of investigation by the federal government, Ron plead guilty in a tax matter. He will be spending the next 16-20 months at Taft Federal Camp.

I tell you this for several reasons. First, I am not a secretive person. I'm pretty much an open book. You might say, then why didn't I talk about this before? There were legal issues involved, and I didn't want to tell my story and speculate about how it might end. I have a great life, a wonderful family and a network of spectacular people to support me. Above all, I have a fantastic husband who I love and adore. This too shall pass.

So my blog is going to change a little. Once a week I plan to write a more personal blog, about myself and how I'm coping and about visits to Taft (which from what I've been told can be comical at times). I hope I won't bore you with this information, but I do hope I will enlighten you in an area you probably (hopefully) don't know much about.

Look for these once a week blogs. They'll probably be every Monday, beginning January 18. Ron will be checking into his new address on January 11, so I'll be ready to write the following week. As with everything else in my life right now, I have no definite plans, so my writing schedule may change. I thank you for your support and especially for reading this blog. I love doing it, and it's the positive feedback from all of you that keeps me going.

1 comment:

  1. What an adventure, Susie! The best thing you can do is keep your sense of humor during these tough times. I think California gives you a tracking ID so you can monitor Ron's status in Taft online. When you're there, be sure to put some $$ on his Books so he can shop in the canteen.
