Monday, May 18, 2009

Man's Best Friend

I have been a dog owner all my life. Even when I lived in a small apartment and had to hire someone to take my dog out while I was at work, I had a dog, and boy, was it worth it. Man's best friend is not called that without reason. I have had over a dozen dogs in my life, and each one has brought me joy beyond measure. If you're not a dog lover and are reading this, you're probably saying to yourself, "she must be crazy." No, I'm not crazy, but I am crazy about my dog, and realize that what he's given me for 18 years cannot be quantified.

Three years ago Barney needed very expensive spine surgery. I came home one day and he could not stand up. His hind end, legs and back, were paralyzed. We took him to Sorrento Valley to a wonderful spine specialist, Dr. Levitsky. The choice was to put him down, or do a very expensive surgery to reduce his buldging discs. He was 15 at the time, and in good health. It was a quick decision for us. We did the surgery, followed by several months of water therapy, and he was back on his feet.(in this picture you can see his shaved back. This picture was taken right after his surgery. He now has a white face) We felt that he had several good years left, and wanted to give him the opportunity to have that time. Friends and family did not all agree with our decision. One friend said dogs were nothing more than a piece of furniture. Another said I could just go to the pound and get another dog. Obviously these people did not understand the pleasure, companship and love a dog can give.

Now, at 18 1/2, everyday is a struggle for Barney. He walks like a drunken sailor (his hind legs are stiff and don't bend), and he is constantly out of breath. But his heart is strong. The vet has assured me he is not in pain (anymore than the rest of us), and that he will tell me when he's had enough. For now, we continue to walk every morning for 45 minutes. This is the highlight of his day (not mine), as he sees his friends and gets to smell the roses. The rest of the day he spends napping outside in the shade, or lying on the bed with one of us in the afternoon.

Much time and attention is now given to Barney because, as I said before, everything is a struggle for him. I do not care how much time and energy I spend to make sure he is taken care of. He's worth it. He has given me so much for all these years, it's the least I can do for him now.

1 comment:

  1. What a great story! Thanks so much for sharing it. Some folks think my nine-year-old is old, but we're only half-way as far as I'm concerned. You clearly take wonderful care of Barney.
