Thursday, September 9, 2010

Isn't The Internet Great?

Yes, it is. I am constantly amazed at the variety of ways the internet can be of use to me. Forget the cute jokes, sappy letters and facebook postings that you're bombarded with, and concentrate on how the internet can be used to communicate and inform. I decided I wanted to blog about the many environmental events taking place in the San Diego area, and saved myself hours of research by discovering one web site.

If you're at all interested in environmental issues and organizations that are working on behalf of our planet, you need to check out this site. You might come across an organization that is doing something you're interested in. Gardening, planting, cleaning up beaches, protecting marshes, recycling electronics, constructing new, efficient homes and buildings, they're all happening in our town. Go to and you'll find it all. The web site is San Diego Area non-profit environmental events and organizations directory. Most importantly the site has a calendar of events for the current month. Click on something that interests you and all the information is right there. For example, the Tijuana Estuary Bird Walk takes place every month, so I clicked on it to find the details. Time and place were revealed and the difficulty of the walk was also addressed. No, it's not in Tijuana, but in Imperial Beach, almost as far away.

The site opened with a great quote from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), which I will share with you. "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." That's as relevant today as when it was written, 250 years ago.

Other interesting organizations mentioned on the calendar include, San Diego Coastkeep Beach Cleanup, South Bay Green Scene, and lots of gardening and planting groups. Another great organization that was not mentioned on this web site is Solana Center. On September 25 and October 23 they will have an electronic waste recycling event. If you have any electronic equipment to recycle, this is the place to unload it. Check out for more information. The internet saved the day again. It only took me 15 minutes to write this!

1 comment:

  1. The Internet IS great, thats why we all have to fight to keep net neutrality. Have you read how Google and Verizan are trying to cement a deal that will change everything with what amounts to a "pay for priority" service? Basically big corps/big money would effectively control our net searches, what info we get, divert us to sites they would have us visit for biased info and propoganda...interesting battle it. As I read in The Nation,"the FCC needs to move immediately to assure that public interest, not Corp greed, defines our digital destiny."
