Monday, January 18, 2021

Getting The Vaccine Is Harder Than You Think

If you live in California, getting the vaccine is harder than you think.  Once I heard that nursing home residents were getting vaccinated, I decided to start investigating when I would be called.  What a nightmare.  

Don't call your Scripps doctor.  They will tell you they know nothing, and someone will contact you when your time is coming.  Actually, they did send out an e-mail the other day saying that we would be contacted when vaccine time is upon us,  Right now, they don't even have the vaccine.

There has been so much misinformation flying around.  It's hard to know what to do.  I have been to all the government websites, federal and local, to try to get on a list.  No luck.  I have also tried to register with Ralphs, who apparently has the Moderna vaccine.  Many I knew have appointments.  We'll see what happens.  In Los Angeles, it has just been mandated that Ralphs only give the vaccine to those in Tier 1A.  

My friends in Phoenix received the vaccine last week.  No problem.  In Colorado it also appears easier to get vaccinated.  Every state, and for that matter, every county, seems to have a different method of distribution.  Of course it's a mess!  I am just hoping that come January 20 there will be some real leadership on how to distribute the vaccine to 300 million people.  At the rate we're going right now, it will take 10 years to vaccinate everyone.

I have been on Zoom calls with health directors, hospital administers and the like, and none of them have any sufficient answers.  My added challenge is to try to help my mom get vaccinated as soon as possible.  Her doctor will not be getting the vaccine and he has no idea how to help her.

So, this is the end of my rant.  I am just so disgusted with it all.  Our scientists worked tirelessly to get the vaccine developed in less than a year.  That's a great feat, but those in charge of distribution, who have had many months to plan for the rollout, haven't done theirs.  I hope things change after January 20. 

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