Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Pavlova Dessert

 I finally got my new mixer.  I got a royal blue Acuma mixer.  So far I can say it's just like the Kitchen Aid, only cheaper.  How it holds up over time remains to be seen.  So I wanted to use it to practice making Pavlova, the light and elegant meringue I blogged about awhile ago.  The first time I made it (with the broken beaters) I had to whip the egg whites and the whipping cream by hand.  What a pain, and the meringue did not come out as well as it should.  So now, with the proper equipment, I can make the perfect pavlova.  Here's the recipe if you want to try, or wait until Crystal is sailing again and order it as a special dessert.  They will make it for you, but you can easily make it just as well at home.

                                                        Pavlova Dessert


4 egg whites

1 cup superfine granulated sugar  (you can use regular sugar but the meringue comes out a little bit grainy)

1tsp cream of tartar or corn starch (I used cream of tartar)

1/2 tsp white vinegar or lemon juice

pinch of salt

Beat egg whites about until frothy, then slowly add sugar and the rest of the ingredients.  Beat until egg whites form stiff peaks.  They should be stiff and glossy.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet, and dollop out egg white mixture making each one round but room for filling in the middle.  You can also use a pastry bag to pipe the meringue.  Cook on a low oven, about 200 degrees, for one hour.  Then turn off the oven and let the meringues sit for another 30-60 minutes, until it is hard.  When you tap it should feel hard.  The idea is to get the moisture out of the meringue.

I used whipping cream, whipped stiff, to which I added about 2Tablespoons of lemon curd for the middle.  Put the mixture in the center of the meringue, then top with fruit.  I used sliced strawberries, but you can use whatever you like.  

If making for company, you can make the meringue the day before.  Make the whipping cream the next morning, and assemble an hour before serving.  Your guests will rave and you will too!

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